Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jr. Prom...Take Five....."Minutes to Midnight"

The theme for the prom this year was "Minutes to Midnight". The colors were black and dark purple. When we got there for the promenade, they had covered the floor with black plastic as they could not scuff the gym floor. I was very worried about Kyle tripping with his foot and cane...but all went well. In fact, that was the best I had ever seen him walk...and yes, I was so nervous I didn't get it on video or pictures. I tried the pictures but it was just too dark. However, when they came out for their first dance we were allowed on the floor so here are a few of Kyle and Meisha. Now to get ready for the party after the prom.....


Soccer Mom said...

I loved it! I was little worried about the floor too, but it turned out GREAT! Love ya! He is AWESOME and I am so proud of his accomplishments and being able to go!!!!

Trish said...

So handsome!

The Mom said...

Oh Paula, how cute is he!!! I just love the pictures from the past posts too. I wish I could have gone to the Malad Prom.