Saturday, March 14, 2009

4-H Steers....

Today was the spring weigh in for the 4-H steers. Ray, Kyle and Lindsay loaded up the steers and off they went. They put their halters on last week so this morning was pretty easy. Kyle's steer is the lightest of the bunch but is a good-looking steer, weighing in at 700 lbs. Lindsay is a lot of help and such a good friend to Kyle. She has been there for him always and we appreciate her so much. She went swimming with us last night and we had a great time.
To the is a beautiful spring day today. We cleaned up the yard and took down Christmas lights. I also did one of Dad's favorite spring jobs... yes, cleaning up after our wonderful dogs!! I know you miss it Dad!! Have a great weekend to everyone!!!
On a side note, Ashlee is on her way home. She has spent the last four days in Arizona with Grandpa and Grandma Davis!! She has loved the 80 degree weather!!


Soccer Mom said...

Steers look good! I would love the 80 degree weather! As long as it would stay around 80 and not get above 100!!!! I hate picking up after the dogs!

Mom and Dad said...

That's one good looking steer, he'll be great by August. Paula don't forget to feed him twice a day this year. Ha Ha Ashlee should have a good tan when she gets home. I'am ready for the good weather,

Love to all Mom and Dad

The Mom said...

So does this mean that Chuck and Vera are home too? I'm Vera's visiting teacher. I better get on the stick and call her! Fun post. It's nice your family is all so close together!

Debbie & Fam said...

Looks great - I hope May gets here soon!