Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Our Missionaries

Well, the day is nearly here that we will send off our missionaries to Missouri. We are so excited for them. We will miss them so much, but look forward to hearing about their many wonderful experiences. We all had a wonderful day on Sunday as we visited with each other and many family members. We are so grateful for such a supportive and loving family. I will try to be better about new posts as I know that Grandma and Grandpa will be anxious to keep track of all of us. Below are just a few pictures from Sunday!!


Soccer Mom said...

I am so glad someone took pictures!! I forgot my camera!!!

Mandi Ward said...

They will be missed. How are things going over your way.

The Mom said...

You know what? You could line up all your little nieces against a wall and think they are all sisters. The genes run strong in your fam!

M-n-M said...

Hey good to see you are a blogger. It is so nice being able to keep up with everyone this way. I have not gotten to know you as well as I would like to but I have to tell you that from everything I have learned about you, you are absolutely amazing. You are a really great example to me. Marshal and I both think you kids are really great and I am confident that Kyle will pull through all of this 100%. If ever I can do anything let me know. I couldn't believe Kyles truck - I showed Marshal the pictures and he was amazed!!